When the independent fund management company Dalmore Capital wanted to choose a charity to support, they looked for one which connected with staff and could show it was having an impact.

Step forward Re-engage, as recommended by Fund Finance Manager, Debbie Foster, who volunteers with us and works in Dalmore’s Edinburgh office.

Dalmore acquires, manages and holds investments in infrastructure, and is worth over £5.7bn. Every year it commits to fundraising for a charity nominated by employees; previous fundraising efforts have reached over £30,000.

Debbie has worked for Dalmore for five years and has been a coordinator for the Re-engage Wallace Group tea party in Stirling since 2017. She said: “Dalmore has supported some very worthy charities in the past and always looks for those charities that have a real connection with our staff. I had often talked about my volunteering with Re-engage and recommended Re-engage to be our fundraising charity. I am thrilled that this was taken forward and Re-engage will be our Charity of the Year.

“We started our fundraising in April with an informal tea party in the office to give employees an idea of what Re-engage does. It raised £400 - which Dalmore matched - and the feedback was very positive. Bringing to life the concept of tea parties helped employees to see how the money being raised will be put to good use, with many saying they have now started to think about their parents and relatives and how loneliness might impact them.

“I had never volunteered before joining Re-engage and I absolutely love it. It’s one of the best things I’ve done in my life. To see the wonderful impact, we have on the older people’s lives is second to none.”

Debbie and the Dalmore team have formed a charity committee to plan a series of fund-raising events throughout the year, with the aim of raising both funds for, and awareness of, Re-engage.

“As well as raising money we want more people to be aware of what Re-engage does. The more older people we help, the better it will be.”

Ali Winter, senior corporate partnerships manager at Re-engage, said: "I'm very grateful to Debbie, not only for her fantastic volunteering work, but also for connecting us with Dalmore Capital.

“We are delighted with their generous commitment to support Re-engage's work with lonely and isolated older people this year. Our services are crucial for so many older people, some of whom rarely leave their homes. They really lift their spirits and bring much needed companionship into what can be, otherwise, solitary lives. 

“My thanks to all the staff at Dalmore Capital as they undertake a year of activities to help lonely and isolated older people."

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