Each year, Re-engage receives a number of gifts that are extremely special to us. These are gifts left by people in their wills who wish to leave a legacy of friendship to others.
One such gift was left to us recently by David. David’s brother described him as a very kind person, who always helped others and did a lot for charity.
As well as remembering his loved ones in his will, David left bequests to a number of charities that were close to his heart, both local and national, including Re-engage.
Thanks to David’s generosity we will continue to tackle the devastating loneliness felt by thousands of older people in the UK and bring pleasure back into their lives as described by this tea party guest: “[Joining] this group was the best thing I have done in years. When I get home from my Sunday afternoon, I feel like I have come back to life again.”
If you would like to leave a legacy to Re-engage you can find out the simple steps to take on our website. Gifts large or small can make a huge difference.
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