Age Concern has been working in the Crosby area for nearly 70 years. As part of Re-engage, the charity will build on those strong foundations, continue its great work, and promote the work of Re-engage in the area.
What’s going on in Crosby and Sefton in general?
Lunch clubs
The Age Concern Crosby lunch clubs continue to be an important feature in the lives of a lot of older people in the area. Right now, we’re looking for volunteers to get involved in running the clubs so that they can continue.
Flicks and friends
Our monthly outing to the Plaza Cinema has become an important highlight in the calendar.
Tea party group Crosby
Our Crosby tea party group is in need of volunteers now that restrictions are lifting and its time to start tea parties again. Please sign up to be the group coordinator, a driver, or a host. If you would like to refer an older person to the group please look here.
Tea party group Southport
Our Southport tea party group is up and running and going strong.
More tea party groups in Sefton?
Would you like to set up a tea party group anywhere in Sefton or get involved in the Crosby lunch clubs and help alleviate loneliness in the area? If you do, then we'd love to hear from you. You can reach us using our contact form – do make clear you are contacting us about setting up a tea party group in Sefton.
More news

Making time to make a difference
90-year-old Patricia has been attending the Hoddesdon 1 tea parties since 2019. For group coordinator Sarah, a career change from being a primary school teacher to working from home meant she had more time on her hands. She decided she wanted to use that extra time to do something that made a real difference. Now she and Patricia have struck up a true friendship.
By Re-engage

Launch of rainbow call companions
"Rainbow call companions is an important milestone in this amazing charity’s commitment to reaching deep into communities and finding the older people who really need us." Our CEO Meryl Davies talks about the launch next month of rainbow call companions, our free telephone befriending service for LGBT+ older people.
By Meryl Davies