We are thrilled that rainbow call companions, our free telephone befriending service for older LGBT+ people who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship, has been selected for a National Advisor for LGBT Health award.
The award recognises outstanding work by individuals and groups across the NHS and voluntary sector to improve the experience of LGBT patients and the LGBT workforce and shine a light on examples of best practice.
Dr Michael Brady FRCP, National Advisor for LGBT Health, NHS England said:
"You have been given the award in recognition of your commitment to reducing inequalities for LGBT people. This work takes courage and persistence and I am really grateful for your efforts which, I have no doubt, will have benefitted LGBT individuals greatly. I wanted personally thank you for truly going ‘above and beyond. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do"
Rainbow call companions was launched in March this year and has provided a safe and non judgmental space for LGBT+ older people across the UK. Re-engage LGBT engagement officer Sam Higgins, who has been closely involved with the development of the service since launch, commented:
"Some of our older people have told me that just knowing that someone cares enough to call them every week was all they needed. I feel privileged to represent a charity that cares about reaching the most isolated and marginalised groups of older people and I'm delighted that rainbow call companions has been recognised in this way".
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Could you leave us a gift in your will?
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