TV personality and tea party host Sara Cox is presenting our BBC Lifeline appeal at the end of April. But she won’t be the only star of the show.
There will also be interviews with; ‘dyed in the wool Geordie’, Jane, 87; former journalist and newspaper proprietor Charles, 91; call companion and ballroom dancing enthusiast Kelly, 46 and avid traveller Ginny, 77.
BBC crews recently spent several days filming with our fabulous four and you’ll be able to see the edited highlights on BBC 1 on April 30th and BBC 2 on May 3rd.
But while you might only see a few minutes there were hours of preparation.
Jane, from Newcastle was filmed at her home and the following day at a tea party she attended in nearby Kenton. She made a Christmas film for Re-engage last year so is a bit of an old hand.
“The filming went very well,” she said. “I felt a bit like a film star and I’m hoping Hollywood now beckons. Although I was a little disappointed it happened after the Oscars because I might have been up for an award!
“But seriously, it was a good experience. The crew were really thoughtful and brought their own tea and sandwiches. They started at 10am and finished just after 1pm.
“They asked a couple of questions and then just let me run. They wanted to know all about my life and I told them about my years as a teacher. But I didn’t mention my studying and qualifications because I didn’t want to come across as boastful. There weren’t any re-takes but I’m sure they’ll have to edit because I talk so much!”
Charles has been linked with call companion Kelly and highly values “the exceptional service.”
Charles lives in Wales, where he was evacuated as a schoolboy during the Second World War, and where he became a journalist before buying two local newspapers and starting his own radio station.
“During my career I’ve interviewed many famous people, film and TV stars so I’m used to that side of life,” he said. “The filming went pretty smoothly and they were very careful with me. I still like to mix with journalists so it was a pleasure to do.”
Kelly did a bit of TV filming while studying performing arts at college in her younger days.
“That came in useful,” she said. “I’ve always wanted to be behind the camera but being filmed was actually quite relaxing. It was just like having a chat with a friend.
“The only tricky bit was making sure I had the same clothes on for both parts of the filming, otherwise it might have looked odd.
“They filmed me making tea and then having a pretend telephone conversation with Charles. That was a little surreal but it’s all for a good cause. It’s not about me. It’s about Charles and what it brings to his life and the lives of other lonely older people.”
Ginny has also had some media experience, having filmed a TV commercial for a health clinic and doing PR for various major companies including clothing giant, Jaeger and professional service firm, Arup. When she was in her twenties Ginny travelled through the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and Russia. She now takes part in our gentle activity groups in Wales.
“The Lifeline filming took about three hours, with most of it taking place in my kitchen,” she said. “I enjoyed it because the crew were so nice and it’s good to promote something like the Re-engage activities.”
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