Bringing generations together
It is a big decision, changing a name. And a decision not to be taken lightly. But when it becomes clear that a charity’s name is getting in the way of achieving its goals then the decision, though big, should be easy.
Our charitable objects and the fundamentals of what we do remain the same, but we have updated how we talk about ourselves and how we develop new activities. Our vision is a world where no one is ever too old to make friends and enjoy social interaction. The work we do is always positive: we exist to inspire encounters, to facilitate connections, to make spaces where friendships can flourish.
Driving our vision forward
We are committed to finding people who often have no one left. “I never thought it would be me” said one of the older women in one of our social groups who found herself alone, the last of her generation in her family and friendship network. That’s a desert island life, a lonely life, a life full of memories but a life that has so much to offer if the person left alone gets the chance to re-engage and find new opportunities.
Our values are to be respectful, determined, warm, pioneering, and local. We wanted a new name and a new look that would find new ways to drive our vision forward. But what name would do that? What name would distil our very essence and give us a way of expressing who we are and what everyone who is part of our charity does?
Our new name
In Re-engage, in the warm and vibrant colours of the new brand, and in the strapline “bringing generations together” we have found a name and brand that fits with what we do so well.
Our amazing volunteers are re-engaging with and in communities. Our inspirational older people are letting us into their lives – yes, our staff and volunteer teams can bring them company and connections but think of all the joy and learning and experience that they can share with us when we re-engage with their generation.
We are ready to move forward, inspired by our fresh look and the name which has always been there and has always been what we do.
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Re-engage joins 23 other charities in innovative charity advent calendar for children
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"You spoke, we listened" by Meryl Davies, CEO
I would like to say a huge thank you to every one of our volunteers who has helped with our recent surveys.
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