The Mayor of Hounslow, Essex, Councillor Karen Smith, highlighted the importance of older people's needs being listened to by decision-makers after she recently joined a Re-engage tea party. Accompanied by her Consort husband, Dave, the Mayor spent two hours chatting to guests of the Hounslow and East Ealing groups who met at the home of volunteer, Lynette Royal.

“It was a wonderful afternoon,” she said. “There were some really interesting conversations and some mentioned how miserable and isolated they had been before joining the Re-engage tea parties. These are obviously important events because you could see how happy they all were. They were enjoying the chat, and of course, the cakes!  

“It was really useful finding out about your work and I will make sure the Older Peoples’ Champion in our Cabinet spreads the word. It’s very important to take them and their needs into consideration whenever we make decisions."

During her term as Mayor of Hounslow, which ends in May, Cllr Smith has been visiting  community projects in the local area and is particularly interested in those catering for older people. The council is committed to supporting charities and voluntary organisations through its 'Thriving Communities Fund' which encourages social action in the borough which has around 9,000 people aged 66 and over living alone. 

Cllr Smith was invited to the tea party by Elizabeth Whittington, coordinator of the Hounslow group, which has been running since 2011. Elizabeth explained: “We had 14 guests and a dozen volunteers and the afternoon went brilliantly. The Mayor thoroughly enjoyed herself and was very impressed by what we do.

“We have older people from all backgrounds – that’s what makes the tea parties so special. There is always interesting chat going on and our guests get a great deal from the occasion.”

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