Brian, 86, says the conversations with his Re-engage Rainbow Call Companion always leave him with a smile on his face. 

He explained: “It’s a great opportunity to be able to talk to someone who is gay and who understands exactly what I’m talking about.”

“My partner of 47 years, Francis, died some time back and all my close family and gay friends are dead so there aren’t many people I can speak to, which makes it lonely. I just feel that no one would be interested in me. 

“I have a good neighbour who I see occasionally but I can’t get out unless I use a walking frame, so to have a friendly voice on the phone is really nice. 

“I’m able to talk to Mark about most things. I was brought up as a Quaker so honesty is very important to me and once I get on the phone I can’t stop chatting!” 

Brian, who lives in Somerset, qualified as a chemist after graduating from Newcastle University and worked in a laboratory for a couple of major companies. 

“Being gay wasn’t talked about then,” he said. “On one occasion, when homosexuality was still illegal, I was in a club in London when it was raided by the police. Because I am so honest, and a little naïve, I gave them my full name and address and they saw the name of the company I worked for from a pay slip that was in my wallet. 

“I wasn’t prosecuted for being at the club but a little while later I was sidelined at work and encouraged to leave. So I assume they had found out about me being questioned by police. In those days if you were gay you lived in the gaps, you couldn’t be open about things. 

“Francis was more extrovert than me and would introduce people but that side of socialising has gone. 

“But now, I look forward to the calls with Mark and feel much better after them. When we finish I always have a smile on my face.”

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