Some examples

  • Upon discovering that an older person’s daughter was in a lesbian relationship, a volunteer driver made homophobic comments. This is unlawful behaviour. It is unacceptable to make offensive comments about anyone based on any of the protected characteristics - in this case sextual orientation. The driver has verbally harassed the older person by making offensive comments.
  • A newly recruited tea party group coordinator was contacted by a longstanding tea party host. The tea party host advised the group coordinator that she would only host guests who were white Catholics. This is an unlawful behaviour. The host is volunteering for Re-engage which is an inclusive organisation and cannot exclude guests based on their race or religious beliefs.
  • During a tea party, an older guest was complaining how difficult it was to make an appointment with her GP and how quickly the appointment slots were being taken every morning. One of the tea party volunteers agreed with the guest and added that the GP appointments were mainly being taken by foreigners. This comment made one of the volunteer drivers uncomfortable. Although in this case it may be unconsciously, the volunteer has treated the people belonging to other races and nationalities less favourably and it has offended another person in the group. This is considered unacceptable behaviour. At Re-engage everyone is valued and we promote a fair culture. Volunteers are part of Re-engage and should promote the same values.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630