Why equality, diversity, and inclusion matter for charities?

Inequalities and exclusion in society exist in the voluntary sector as they do in any other sector. Trustees, volunteers, and staff within the voluntary sector may not always reflect the communities our organisations serve.

Volunteers, staff, and others involved in voluntary work may also experience discrimination, prejudice, and harassment because of who they are, and because of the groups and communities that they are associated with. As a result of this, people are prevented from accessing opportunities, resources, and decision-making spaces equitably.

Everyone deserves to be treated equally, fairly and with dignity. To achieve change, voluntary organisations as well as any other organisation have the responsibility to recognise and understand how people are excluded and disadvantaged, and then change their ways of working and behaviours to become more inclusive.

By becoming aware of the existing barriers that exclude people and by working towards removing them, voluntary organisations can become more effective at changing our communities for the better.

Contact us

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7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630