What is safeguarding and why is it important?

Safeguarding balances the right to be safe with the right to make informed choices, ensuring that older people's views, wishes, beliefs and feelings are considered.

Safeguarding is not just about the process you need to follow when something goes wrong, it is also about keeping people safe and preventing abuse.

Although different people have different responsibilities, safeguarding is everyone’s business, and it is important that you understand your role and responsibilities as a Re-engage volunteer as well as the process that you must follow when there is a safeguarding concern or disclosure.

The Local Authority has the lead role in all adult safeguarding but all organisations, as well as individuals, including volunteers have a part to play in safeguarding. It may be considered abuse or neglect if you fail to do something which could have prevented harm from occurring.

“Safeguarding adults at risk means protecting their right to live in safety and free from abuse and neglect.” (Safeguarding and protecting people for charities and trustees, the Charity Commission, England and Wales, June 2022)

“Safeguarding is the action that an organisation takes to promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults to protect them from harm including physical, emotional, sexual and financial harm and neglect.” (OSCR, Scottish Charity Regulator, 2018)

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0800 716543

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020 7240 0630