Do you have older clients who are suffering from loneliness and isolation?
We exist to provide social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing and the threat of associated risks that loneliness can bring is greatest.
All our services are free to older people and, critically, are for those aged 75 and over who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship.
If you know someone who might benefit from being part of Re-engage, then please get in touch with our engagement team, making it clear where you are from and what geographic area you cover. We have engagement officers right across the UK who are there to support you.
We are a charity focused on reducing loneliness and are unable to provide specialist support at present.
Our services may be suitable for older people living with dementia. This will be dependent on the older person's stage of dementia, and whether they can safely, enjoyably and independently take part in our services.
We are unable to support someone with complex mental health needs.
For more information about referral suitability and requirements, please see our FAQs.
See our FAQs for suitability and requirements
We believe, like you, that older people should have the opportunity to be involved in their communities and are passionate about giving them the chance to make new friends and overcome the emptiness of loneliness and isolation at a time in their lives when they find it hard to overcome on their own. We know how damaging loneliness can be to people’s mental and physical health and we also know how much older people benefit from our services
Social prescribing link worker,
Kirklees, Huddersfield“The people I referred in who were able to attend groups found them really friendly and looked forward to attending. They were people who didn’t get out of the house other than for GP or hospital appointments and the fact that transport was provided and that they could go to someone else’s house was a really positive experience.”