Our Wednesday lunch club, and flicks and friends cinema club at the Plaza Cinema gives welcome companionship to older people experiencing social isolation and loneliness in the Crosby area. To run smoothly, the groups need the support of local volunteers. If you’d like to get involved, then please read on to see the different volunteering roles available.

Become a lunch club group coordinator
As a lunch club group coordinator, you’ll join the team of lunch club group coordinators in Crosby, taking it in turns to run a weekly lunch club on a Wednesday and ensuring that lunch is ready and served up to a group of older people.

Become a lunch club volunteer
Lunch club volunteers are essential to the smooth running of the lunch club. They attend the lunch, on a Wednesday, helping the older people to get settled and making sure that they have what they need. The volunteers also assist the group coordinator by collecting payment for lunches.

Become a lunch club minibus driver
As a driver, you’ll use our minibus to collect older people who are finding it hard to get out and about and take them from home to the lunch club, and then back again.

Become a flicks and friends group coordinator in Crosby
As a flicks and friends group coordinator, you’ll plan, organise, and schedule the flicks and friends’ calendar alongside the Plaza cinema.