Safeguarding disclosures

Volunteers who receive an allegation of abuse from an adult should:

  • Reassure them and allow them to speak without interruption.
  • Listen carefully to what is said even if it sounds fanciful, do not dismiss, trivialise, or exaggerate the issue.
  • Record what they have been told / witnessed as soon as possible.
  • Not make suggestions, coach, or lead the person in any way.
  • Remain calm and do not show shock or disbelief.
  • Reassure the adult that they have done the right thing in telling you.
  • Tell the adult that they are not to blame.
  • Tell the person that the information will be treated seriously.
  • Not interrogate or ask detailed or probing questions.
  • Never promise to keep a secret and explain that you have a responsibility for their safety and must have a confidential conversation with the safeguarding specific point of contact.
  • Let the adult know that there are others who can help them and that they are not alone.

After a disclosure is made it is vitally important that the incident and concern form is completed or that the SSPOC is contacted immediately.

The SSPOC or the designated safeguarding lead will contact the adult to discuss the concern and decide, based on the information provided, whether a referral should be made to their local safeguarding services.

As Re-engage works with older people who are experiencing loneliness it is important that all safeguarding concerns involving older people are treated as ‘adult at risk’ and that this status is reviewed as part of the safeguarding decision-making process.

If it is decided that the concern, or incident potentially meets the threshold for a referral, the SSPOC and / or the designated safeguarding lead make the referral to local authority safeguarding team and will liaise with those involved.

Please note: the threshold will be met when there is reasonable cause to suspect that an adult who has care and support needs, is at risk of or experiencing abuse and neglect.

The designated safeguarding lead is responsible for recording further details and outcomes of safeguarding referrals in the safeguarding management case log. The designated safeguarding lead is also responsible for monitoring and overseeing concerns and incidents and for providing assurance that they are being managed appropriately.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630