Latest news
The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.

Our top tips on setting up a Facebook fundraiser
How to make your fundraising go further
By Re-engage

Let's Talk Loneliness
Loneliness is the reality for many of the two million people aged 75 and over who live alone in the UK.
By Re-engage

Volunteering helped me make new friends after the death of my wife
Charlie is a former chef and volunteer driver in one of our Stockton groups. He has been a driver since 2015...
By Re-engage

I worked full time until I was nearly 90
We spoke to crossword extraordinaire, journalist and all-round incredible woman Barbara Hall about her achievements and the secret to a happy life.
By Re-engage

NHS England: an opportunity to help tackle loneliness at the root
We welcome the plans by NHS England to recruit more than 1,000 link workers to drive forward social prescribing.
By Re-engage

Volunteering keeps me humble and reminds me of what is important
Batul from Croydon started volunteering with us seven years ago as a driver after her Grandmother passed away.
By Re-engage