Latest news
The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.

Treasured times
Discover how Maggie and Glenda forged a firm friendship after becoming call companions.
By Re-engage

A legacy to support happier, healthier older age
Ella’s donation will help us to grow the number of older people who rely on our call companions, activity sessions, and tea party groups for connections, companionship and vital support.
By Re-engage

Miles, smiles and movie stars
A lifetime of volunteering has opened many interesting doors for Anne.
By Re-engage

Brews not blues
In support of the Samaritans' annual Brew Monday campaign that challenges the 'January blues', we're encouraging more people to discover the benefits of our free tea parties.
By Re-engage

Make the call
After retiring from a high-flying career, Maggie says her world shrank. Hear how regular phone calls from a call companion mean the world to her now.
By Re-engage

Connections and code cracking
Tea party guest Barbara receives recognition for her secret codebreaking work during World War Two.
By Re-engage