Latest news

The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.


Looking to the future with a legacy

Former Re-engage host and regular donor, Loraine, tells us why she is remembering Re-engage in her will.

By Re-engage

Guest stories

Gentle activity groups: it’s nice exercise and a bit of fun

Annette tells us about the benefits she gets from the gentle activity group she attends.

“It’s very hard to make friends when you’re on your own. You’re not quite sure who to trust. So going to the activity group is hugely important to me. Just meeting people has a positive impact.”

By Re-engage

Our work

Where do they all come from?

As Meryl Davies, CEO of Re-engage, prepares to step down, she reflects on how the stigma of loneliness has reduced in recent years and how poignantly, that has led to an increase in the number of people who are likely to say they are lonely. Never has the work of Re-engage been more important. The charity has an impact on people every day, making sure that they are able to find each other and find common ground and the joy of connection.

By Meryl Davies


How social contact helps wellbeing

Guest contributor, Claudia Carvell, Home Manger at The Lindsay Bupa Care home discusses the importance of social contact for wellbeing.

By guest contributor


A special gift

Each year, Re-engage receives a number of gifts that are extremely special to us. These are gifts left by people in their wills who wish to leave a legacy of friendship to others.  
One such gift was left to us recently by David.

By Re-engage


Digital customer services risks increasing loneliness in older people

There has been much in the news about services moving online and the difficulties that causes people who do not have easy access to the internet. Here, we take a look at how that can lead to an increase in loneliness, particularly for isolated older people, and how some companies are seeing a commercial benefit in retaining the human touch.

By Meryl Davies

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630