Latest news
The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.

Shining a light on our younger volunteers
This Volunteers’ Week, we shine a light on our younger volunteers.
By Re-engage

Celebrating tea party groups old and new
Whilst continuing to encourage more new tea party groups across the UK, Re-engage is also celebrating that many of our tea parties have been taking place for a quarter of a century – and in some cases even longer.
These two ends of the spectrum are highlighted by the development of a new tea party group in Hale, and Inverness 1 marking its 25th anniversary with a special gathering on June 11th.
By Re-engage

Meet Ginny
Find out more about activity group guest and star of our BBC Lifeline appeal, Ginny.
By Re-engage

Celebrating 45 years of volunteering
Ann Godfrey, super volunteer, organised Re-engage tea parties for the Royal Wootton Bassett group for an extraordinary 45 years. The pandemic brought a halt to her plans for a 45th group celebration and very sadly she died before she could make the event a reality. Ann’s tea party group recently held a party to remember her long service and wonderful community spirit.
By Re-engage

Five years on from the first Minister for Loneliness
Since the UK government announced that Tracey Crouch MP would be our first Minister for Loneliness five years ago, loneliness has become a hotly discussed topic. Read our CEO Meryl's article for a snapshot of how the topic of loneliness is being discussed here and around the world.
By Meryl Davies

Lessons on resilience
As we age and experience the ups and downs of life, we tend to build our resilience and there is much that younger people can learn from the generations that went before them about how to weather hardships. But there is also strong evidence to suggest that our social connectedness in our community plays an important role in our ability to remain strong in the face of adversity for both young and old which is why our intergenerational services are of such benefit to both our older people and volunteers.
By Re-engage