Latest news

The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.


1 Million Minutes

During December we had a wonderful 1,270 volunteer applications, in large part thanks to Re-engage featuring on ITV’s 1 Million Minutes appeal calling for people to pledge their time to help end loneliness.   

By Re-engage

Our work

70th anniversary celebrations

In December, around 100 older people and dignitaries went to the cinema to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Age Concern Crosby.  The local charity, which started in 1952 under the banner of Old Peoples' Welfare, has provided more than 10,000 meals at its lunch clubs for local older people. 

By Re-engage

Guest stories

People's postcode lottery

Since 2017, players of People’s Postcode Lottery have provided £2.3 milion of support through Postcode Support Trust which has helped Re-engage introduce new services and bolster existing ones. Health and Wellbeing Advisor Lisa Belletty has worked closely with our fundraising team since the long-term partnership began five years ago.

By Re-engage


A week in the life of a tea party group coordinator

Volunteer coordinator, Neville, shares his experiences and tips to help tea parties run smoothly and cope with any potential spanners in the works.

By Re-engage


Social connections

Socially isolated older people over the age of 75 are amongst some of the most excluded in society. For many, social exclusion is only part of a wider experience of isolation.
Laura Joplin, Re-engage’s head of impact, explains why providing opportunities for social connection is a crucial step towards addressing not only social, but also digital and financial exclusion.

By Laura Joplin


The Big Give Christmas Challenge

It's Big Give week, meaning your donation could be doubled. That will help us reach more older people like Jane - the star in our new Christmas film.
After her husband passed away, Jane had to learn to live alone. Through her local Re-engage tea party group, she found hope and friendship.

By Re-engage

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630