Latest news
The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.

How social contact helps wellbeing
Guest contributor, Claudia Carvell, Home Manger at The Lindsay Bupa Care home discusses the importance of social contact for wellbeing.
By guest contributor

Digital customer services risks increasing loneliness in older people
There has been much in the news about services moving online and the difficulties that causes people who do not have easy access to the internet. Here, we take a look at how that can lead to an increase in loneliness, particularly for isolated older people, and how some companies are seeing a commercial benefit in retaining the human touch.
By Meryl Davies

They made me feel I was still involved with the world
Maureen got great pleasure from the Stockton tea party group: “They made me feel I was still involved with the world. I just can’t speak too highly of them.”
By Re-engage

A special gift
Each year, Re-engage receives a number of gifts that are extremely special to us. These are gifts left by people in their wills who wish to leave a legacy of friendship to others.
One such gift was left to us recently by David.
By Re-engage

Poems and tea in Swindon
The Swindon 2 tea party group has relaunched and long-standing guest, John, has been bringing joy with his poems.
By Re-engage

Celebrating 27 years of volunteering
Dorothy, group coordinator and driver for the Clackmannanshire tea party group, who is 80, has been making sure her guests get to and from a host’s home for the monthly get together for 27 years.
By Re-engage