Latest news
The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.
Re-engage remembers
More than 100 supporters and staff from community groups and charities joined a moving Remembrance Day ceremony at a Re-engage tea party in Stirling.
By Re-engage
Call companion Rebecca helping to bring generations together
Find out why 24-year-old Rebecca volunteered as a call companion
By Re-engage
Tea party group aims for take off again
A popular Re-engage tea party group plans to re-launch to bring generations together again.
By Re-engage
Fiona and Jennifer
Jennifer spent five years caring for husband Geoff after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. But she was able to get comfort from her Re-engage call companion, Fiona, who had experienced similar difficulties.
By Re-engage
Congratulations Loraine!
Re-engage volunteer Loraine has been honoured for her work supporting lonely older people.
By Re-engage
Congrats to our corporate crusaders
Discover how three corporate partners have walked and wheeled their way into fundraising for us.
By Re-engage