Latest news

The latest news, stories and reflections from Re-engage. Our past newsletters are also available to read.

Guest stories

A welcome return to tea parties

As tea party groups up and down the country begin to resume their much-loved gatherings after more than 18 months apart, two members of the North Bristol group share their experiences.

By Re-engage

Guest stories

Recipe of the month - Italian Lemon Cake

It's Bake Off season and to celebrate we thought we'd share this recipe for Italian lemon cake from our CEO Meryl Davies. Head over to our social media pages for details of how to get your baking showstoppers (or disasters) featured on our website or social media pages. 

By Re-engage


Meet call companion Alison

Alison is a call companion and a call companion interviewer and this is her dog Poppy. Alison was born with Spina Bifida and in 2009 she had to retire early as deterioration of her spine severely restricted her mobility. She told us "I am so glad I have found Re-engage as at last I feel useful again - something I have sorely missed since retiring."

By Re-engage

Guest stories

International day of older persons

On international day of older persons our CEO, Meryl Davies, reflects upon how it felt to attend her first Re-engage tea party in a very long time.  

By Meryl Davies

Guest stories

Age is no barrier to friendship

Call companions Pat and Catherine prove age is no barrier to friendship and having a good laugh together to lift their spirits. They were matched together at the start of the year and speak to each other every week.

By Re-engage

Our work

Our LGBT research

In July we launched an exploratory research project to hear about the types of social activity groups and services LGBT+ people aged 70+ would like to take part in.  Our research shows a clear desire for more groups and services specifically for the LGBT+ community.

By Re-engage

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630